Encoll Corporation

Case Reports

Case Reports

Dr Benninghoven - Chronic Wound - St Louise Hosp, Gilroy, CA

Dr. Kilaru - Venous ulcer & Scleroderma – Washington Hosp, Fremont, CA

Dr. Price - DNP Chronic Ulcer 65 yr old - Jones Regional Medi Ctr, Anamosa, IA

Dr. Kahn – Chronic Ulcer – Oakland, CA

Dr. Price - Trauma - Recluse Bite 45 yr old - Jones Regional Medi Ctr, Anamosa, IA

Dr. Rager- Trauma wound 78 yr old - Physicians of the North Shore, Northbrook, IL

Dr. Singh - Wound with VAC - Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Mountain View, CA

Dr. Simmons - Gangrenous 55 yr old - Sky Ridge Medi Ctr, Lone Tree, CO

Dr. Kay - Infant Gastroschisis 4 mo old - St. Luke’s Hospital, Denver, CO

Helicoll® Clinical Studies and Evidence of benefits

Case Videos

Burn wound treatment - 5 yr old

Pediatric Burn Case

Infant and Adult Burn Cases

Malignant Melanoma & DFU

Electric Burn Wound


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